

Drone Fight is a new type of drone game that is a simple combination of balloon splitting and drone competition.
It is a new way to play with drones that even beginners can enjoy.
It is a new way to play with drones that can be enjoyed by beginners. Because it is a simple combination, the more it spreads, the more new ways of playing and
The more it spreads, the more new ways of playing and competitions will be born and evolve. Contribute to the popularization of drones, boost the industry, and connect to the growth of children,
industry and help children grow up.

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Japan Drone Fight Association

代表理事 鹿股 幸男

JDFA Philosophy

JDFA’s purpose and vision is to contribute to the healthy development of people’s minds and bodies and the development of society by creating opportunities for imagination development and healthy communication through drones. More infomation

Background of the Creation of JDFA

Features of drone fighting, its appeal as competition and fun
Drone Fight Fight to Help Solve Social Issues・・・
◆A revolutionary game that can also solve modern diseases.
◆A new way to play with drones from Japan that can be used around the world

Challenges for the drone industry

Misconceptions about drones and problems preventing sales promotion

What is a drone fight?

There are four types of drone fights. Please see the videos below for each competition.

Features of drone fighting, its appeal as competition and fun

Benchmark to which drone fights aspire

  • Dronefighting is a content that is different from other drone competitions, with more events being added as the market expands.
  • participation is low, and drone fights are composed of two simple combinations: a drone and a balloon-splitting machine.
    Drone fights, which consist of two simple combinations of “drone” and “balloon splitting,” can be compared to a card game of “Trump.
    It is like a card game.
  • As the number of players increases from children to adults, more interesting ways of playing will be created and the number of competitive events will continue to increase.
  • The mission of “Fostering Imagination”, one of the association’s philosophies, is accomplished by creating ways to play with drones.
    Anywhere! Anyone! It can be played and communicated with people of all ages and both sexes.

Benchmark to which drone fights aspire

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